S ponosom sporočamo, da smo v marcu uspešno zaključili obnovitveni tečaj za embriotransfer na Farmi Salaš v Marjancih, Hrvaška. S sodelovanjem ekipe veterinarjev pod vodstvom dr.sc. Berislav Vulić, DVM smo obnovili ključna znanja, ki bodo ET ekipi iz hrvaške pomagala pri doseganju novih genetskih dosežkov v najboljših holštajn čredah.
Vedno užitek delati z tako zagnano ekipo!
Progresivno vodstvo in napredna ekipa dajejo vrhunske rezultate in je tudi holštajn čreda Farme Salaš v letu 2023 bila razglašena za najboljšo v državi. Imeli so zaključenih 375 laktacij z povprečno namolženih 11.063kg mleka z vrtoglavimi vsebnostmi od 4,7% maščobe in 3,5% beljakovin.
Kmetiji in veterinarjem želimo še take uspehe v prihodnosti!
#Izobraževanje #Embriotransfer #Kmetijstvo #Mlekarstvo #VeterinarskiTečaj #HolsteinCows
We are proud to announce that in March we successfully completed the embryo transfer training course at Farm Salaš in Marjanci, Croatia. The team of veterinarians led by dr.sc. Berislav Vulić, DVM, renewed key skills that will help the Croatian ET team to achieve new genetic breakthroughs in their herd of Black and White cows. ✨
It is always a pleasure to work with such a dedicated team!
🧬A top team and excellent animal genetics produce top results, so much so that the Holstein herd of Farm Salaš was named the best in the country in 2023. They have completed 375 lactations with an average milk yield of 11,063kg with a staggering 4.7% fat and 3.5% protein. 🥛 🥛
Link to the report: https://www.hapih.hr/…/Govedarstvo-Godisnje-izvjesce…
We wish the farm and the vets more successes like this in the future!
#Education #Embriotransfer #Agriculture #Dairy #VeterinaryCourse #HolsteinCows